Report a Concern or Ask a Question

En 3M, alentamos a todos los empleados y personas que interactúan con 3M a reportar e informar una sospecha de mala conducta, a hacer un preguntas sobre Cumplimiento y a hablar.  Es lo correcto.  Aquellos que reporten una inquietud pueden estar seguros que no serán objeto de represalias.


  • How do I ask a business conduct question or report a misconduct or potential misconduct?

    Use any of the options below to ask a question or report a concern:

    • 3M's Ethics & Compliance Department
      3M Company
      3M Center, Building 220-11-W-09
      Saint Paul, MN 55144-1000
    • 3M Legal Counsel
    • is operated by a third-party vendor, EthicsPoint. EthicsPoint is an independent professional reporting service retained by 3M to assist with the receipt of questions or business conduct concerns. In most countries, you may use this system to report your concerns anonymously.
    • Audit Committee of the Board of Directors
    • Deputy General Counsel & Secretary
      3M Legal Affairs
      3M Center, Building 220-09-E-02
      Saint Paul, MN 55144-1000
    • 3M Corporate Audit Department
      General Auditor
      3M Corporate Auditing Department
      3M Center, Building 224-06-N-11
      Saint Paul, MN 55144-1000
  • 3M will review every report. As necessary, 3M may investigate. The information in your report will be handled discreetly and respectfully.